Monday, August 23, 2010

Getting to Know You.

1. If you could host a Reality TV show, which one would it be?
I am actually not a huge reality TV junkie. Just never got into it very much. So I honestly don't really have an answer.

2. Do you put your seatbelt on before or after you start the car?
Usually before I think. It's hard for me to tell because putting it on has become something so familiar I do it without thinking about it. I ALWAYS wear it, feels weird if I don't.

3. Shave or hair removal cream?
Definately shave or wax (even though waxing hurts like a b**tch!!!) But anyone who has suffered those horrible little red bumps knows what I'm talking about.

4. What's your favorite feature in a house?
This is a really cool question, but that I find hard to answer. I think just the layout in general- I love a house that is decorated and layed out very well. I like pretty furniture, and good decorations. A room that's pulled together is the answer I think I'm trying to get out :)

5. What is your favorite "Fall" scent?
Hmmmm, does the smell of cookies baking count?

6. What tv show are you looking forward to seeing the most this Fall??

7. Personal Shopper or Personal Chef?
Neither, I really like to do both those things! It takes all the fun out of it if someone else does it.

8. What is the first word that comes to mind when you think of "Fall"?
Football season and the start of Fall semester- but this year I won't be going to Fall semester, and I don't miss it one bit!!

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